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Remember position and size of main window.Ability to set location of appinfo.vdf file, in case SteamEdit can’t find it.Option to remove games from Steam’s built-in VR category.Some games with localized names would not show their edits in Steam.Add music filter, can contain game soundtracks.Add ‘-silent’ command line argument, so start Steam in the background.Check for updates earlier in application startup, so an error reading appinfo doesn’t prevent updating.Add support for appinfo.vdf 0x07564428, introduced in Beta client.Fixed error when trying to Revert a modified entry.SteamEdit contains an auto-updater, and by default will check for updates each time you run it. You can move it any time, by default everything it needs will be put in the same place. Simply unzip it to a destination of your choosing. The latest version can be downloaded here.

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